Add Calendly to your Settings
Anna-Liza Estoesta
Last Update één jaar geleden
Calendly can be used to help automate and save time by adding your Calendly link to your settings page.
The benefit of adding Calendly to your settings page will allow Kaydoh to automatically include your Calendly Link into the Primary and Secondary action buttons on your cover page of your website.
What do you need?
- Computer
- Access to your Kaydoh Dashboard
- Access to your Calendly Account
What to do?
- Watch Tutorial Video (36 seconds)
- Tutorial Step-By-Step
Watch - Tutorial Video (36 seconds)
Tutorial (step by step)
We recommend for you to have your Calendly Link ready to share.
Need help locating your Calendly Link?
Watch the tutorial on "How to find your Calendly Link"
When you are logged in to your Kaydoh Account, on the top right corner of your dashboard click on your profile picture and click on "Settings".
After you click on "Settings" you will be directed to the "Account Settings" tab.
Scroll down toward the lower right side of the Account Setting page and locate the "Calendar Link" placeholder.
"Paste" your Calendly Link into the space provided.
After you have added your Calendly Link, make sure to "Save" your update by pressing the purple button to "Save Account Settings."
Internal Tags
Calendly Link
How to save my Calendly Link in my settings
Account Settings
Calendar Link
How to find my Calendly Link