How to lock a content tile
Mary Smith
Last Update hace 2 años
Locking a content tile on a Kaydoh page is an excellent way to capture information from a visitor while providing something of value. What goes inside a content tile can be practically anything you want it to be.
A locked tile can contain following type of information:
- Word Documents
- YouTube Links
- Vimeo Links
- Website Links
- Virtual Tour Links
- Photo Gallery
- Registration Forms
- ...etc
Add you a content tile to your page.
After adding a tile. Look for a toggle, "unlocked" inside the tile of recently add. There turn on the toggle to trigger a LOCKED status. This will let Kaydoh know to lock the tile and prevent access until information is collected by the Visitor.
After locking a tile, you can edit the type of questions to ask on the popup form prior to letting access to the Visitor. Click on the form icon as shown below.
Clicking on the form icon will navigate your placement from "Video & Contents" section down to the "More Options >> Popup Questions". Here you'll be able to select pre-defined questions from our library or create your own custom questions. When complete you can navigate back up to the "Video & Contents" section to add more content or click on "Save & Complete" to finish.
Internal Tags:
How to lock in a tile
How to unlock a tile
How to lock a box
how to unlock a box
how to lock a handout
how to unlock a handout