How to White Label Kaydoh Pages with your own domain
Using your domain to white label Kaydoh
Mary Smith
Last Update há 5 meses
Once a domain is imported, you will have option to white label all Kaydoh pages use a domain you manage inside of Kaydoh
What to do?
- Watch Video Tutorial ( 2 minutes )
- Read ( step by step)
Watch - Video Tutorial ( 1 minute )
Read - Tutorial ( step by step )
Navigate to the "Domains" from menu bar. Look in the "Default Domain" section. This is the area indicating the domain used for your Kaydoh pages. By default Kaydoh provides a freely hosted domain,
To change this click on the button "Change" from the "Domains" page, found here:
To use a domain you own outside of Kaydoh (refer to Importing Your Domain)
Scroll down, look for the domain you want to select and be the default (white label) domain for all of your Kaydoh pages. This excludes any existing Kaydoh page that have already attached a Custom Domain.
Going forward all Kaydoh pages of yours will have the updated domain you selected. Please note, you will need to reprint any QR codes that are active on the market, as the new QR codes will reflect the updated domain.
Alternative STEP 1 (faster way)
A faster way is to just scroll down looking for your desired domain to be the default domain. Click on the "More" >> "Make Default Domain". Once this is done, all of your Kaydoh pages will have the updated domain attached.
Revert - Going back to using Kaydoh's free domain
If you need to go back and use Kaydoh's free domain, just go back at top of this tutorial and repeat STEP 1. Then, at top, select the domain with the label "Free".
Internal Tags
how to white label your kaydoh account
white label kaydoh pages
use your own domain for kaydoh pages
connect your domain to Kaydoh pages