How To Connect Your Own Domain

Import domain outside of Kaydoh

Mary Smith

Last Update há 6 meses

Kaydoh offers a way to bring your own domain(s) into Kaydoh by using the instruction below.  

Important Notice:  There is an additional annual cost to import a domain to a Kaydoh page.   

What to do?

  • Watch Video Tutorial ( 3 minutes )
  • Read ( step by step)

Watch - Video Tutorial ( 3 minutes )

Read - Tutorial ( step by step )


Navigate to the "Domains" menu link, from there click on "Add Domain" >> "Import Your Domain"

URL Link:


Type in your domain you want to import.  The domain must be a domain you already own and is outside of Kaydoh.  You can enter a domain or a sub-domain.  Kaydoh will accept both type of domains.  When ready click on "Verify Ownership"


A set of instructions will be provided to follow or send to your domain administrator.  After following the instruction, wait 15 - 20 minutes for Kaydoh to verify the domain.


After 15 minutes, refresh your browser.  You should see the status of the Domain you imported change from "Verifying" to "Verified"

Status will change from "Verifying"  >> "Verfied" 

Once this is done you'll be able to pay to activate the domain.


Once status is changed to "Verified", proceed to
"Pay & Complete".  This will allow Kaydoh to complete the importing of the domain into Kaydoh.


Once complete, wait another 15 min.  You will receive an email notification the domain is active.  Once status is "Active" you will need to connect the domain to a specific Kaydoh Page to be your main "Home Page" for that domain.

A popup list of Kaydoh pages will be displayed to choose from.  Once you find the Kaydoh page you want to link back to your imported domain, click on the button "Connect" accordingly.

STEP 7 - Disconnect a Page

If you need to change the Kaydoh page the domain points to, just click on the "More" button and look for the option to "Disconnect Page.  Once this is done, you can connect it to another Kaydoh page.

STEP 8 (Last Step Optional):  How To White Label the Domain

Please reference this article how to take a domain you have imported or own inside Kaydoh and white label it to all Kaydoh pages.

Intern Tags

how to import my own domain

how to import my domain

how to import a domain I purchased from GoDaddy

how to use my own domain

i already own a domain, how to use it

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