How to add Secondary (Dual) Content

Step by Step Tutorial

Mary Smith

Last Update 9 months ago

Secondary Content, also known as Dual Content will allow your content to be more rich and robust.   Many times it may not be enough to display a single content tile for a specific type of content.  There are times when it requires two forms of content in one.  

For example, a tile that contains a business website and a video promotion.  You can have a single tile that will contain both of the contents (a video and a website link). 

What do you need?

  • Computer

What to do?

  • Watch Video Tutorial (3 minutes)
  • Read (step by step)

Watch - Video Tutorial (3 minutes)

Read - Tutorial ( step by step )

Step 1

Add content to your website as you normally would have done.  Choose any type of content to add.

Step 2

Go to the "Secondary" tab.  This is where you can add your second content to the same tile.  Proceed to click on "Add Content"

Step 4

Once you've added the 2nd content, you can immediately click on "Complete" button at the bottom right corner.

Last Step:  DONE

Intern Tags:

Creating second content

Creating dual content

Secondary Content

Dual Content

Making your content more powerful

Create rich content

How to add second content to a tile

Adding 2nd content tile

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