How to Password Protect your website

Secure your entire website's page content with a password


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When sharing your Kaydoh page with clients or groups, you may need to keep certain content private. By using Kaydoh's password protection feature, you can ensure that any content you choose remains secure and only accessible by those with the password.

What do you need?
  • Your Computer
What to do?
  • Watch Video Tutorial (1 minute)
  • Read (step by step)

Watch Video Turorial (1 Minute)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Create a new page in Advanced Mode. This option allows you to access advanced editing features to customize your website.


If you're doing this to an existing website, you can simply go to the Edit option from your dashboard to make any necessary changes. Make sure you're switched into Advanced Mode as this feature requires you to be in that mode to password protect your website.

navigate to the More Options tab located in the editor. Once you're in this tab, look for the Configure option and click on it to proceed.

Step 4 

Inside the Configure section, you will see a button labeled "Password Protect the Website". Toggle this button On to enable password protection for your website.


After enabling the password protection, you will have to click "edit" option to either create your own custom password or click the "Generate New Password" button which will allow Kaydoh to generate a secure password for you automatically.


Once you’ve chosen or generated your password, click "Save & Complete" to finalize your changes. This will apply the password protection to your website.

The next time someone visits your site, the page or tile you’ve password-protected will prompt them to enter the password you’ve set. Only those with the correct password will be able to view the protected content.

Internal Tags:

  • password protect website
  • secure your website
  • website password protection
  • Kaydoh password protection
  • protect website with password
  • password lock website

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