What's new with Kaydoh

Stay up to date with the latest features of Kaydoh.

Mary Smith

Last Update il y a un mois

This page will continue to be updated on a quarterly basis with new updates/tutorials and past webinar replay.  

Future Release (2024)

  • New organizational features to keep your Kaydoh pages organized, easily found with new filters that can be fully customized.  Introducing a "tagging" system

2024-07-08:  Release 8.4.0  ( pending)

  • New Onboarding UI - simplifying the process and getting to market extremely fast.

2024-06-27: Release 8.3.9

2024-05-07: Release 8.3.1

  • Your Kaydoh pages can now be shared with anyone who has a Kaydoh account - creating 'public templates' for the Kaydoh community through making a Template Folder public - share through add recipient email's.

  • New Tab inside the Content Library, introducing "Market Reports"
    • Altos Research Report Integration enabled (anyone can paste a report in with Kaydoh auto-embeds the site
    • Customers on a specific plan will have access to Real Time Market reports from Altos Research (unbranded) at zipcode level
    • See Tutorial Here

  • Bug Fix
    • Canva links updated
    • Preview Mode - share links now use Updated domains
    • Fixed our T/C links
    • Error message hidden are not brought to front of screens.

2024-04-23: Release 8.3.0

  • Update QR UI 
  • Update Open House Sign In template - no longer need to enable "Force Registration" as the Registration QR handles this now.

2024-04-19:  Release 8.2.9

  • During preview mode - provide UI option to hide the "Force Registration"
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix how Facebook renders Kaydoh pages
    • Fix UTM parameters to QR codes

2024-04-03:  Release 8.2.8

  • New Video Integration:
    • Visual Paradigm
  • Bug Fix:
    • Allow account level to update logos
    • Allow the 'default' white label domain to connect to any Kaydoh page

2024-03-07:  Release 8.2.7

  • Infrastructure update:  
    • Introduce new white labeling solution - ability to import domains from 3rd party into Kaydoh and use as the "default" landing page URLs.
    • Allow importing of sub-domains into Kaydoh
  • UI is not yet published

2024-02-13:  Release 8.2.5 , 8.2.6

  • Zoom Integration - ability to pass registration data collected by Kaydoh directly to Zoom without needing 3rd party (like Zapier)
  • New button labels for content tiles
    • Login
    • Flyer
  • Minor Bug Fixes

2024-01-30:  Release 8.2.4  

See Zoom Replay on New Releases

  • Auto Hide the "CALL" in navbar
  • Introduce a 'public' phone number to hide an account owner cell
  • Enforce our cookie lifespan to be 1 hour for Force Registration

  • Introduce adding Phone / Email content type 

2024-01-15:  Release 8.2.3 

  • Page Expiration - Great for when sending in offers that will expire.  Great for sending over important information that should not be available online for indefinite period of time.

2024-01-09: Release 8.2.2 

Infrastructure updates

2024-01-09:  Release 8.2.1  

  • Interactive Animations based on Visitor behaviors

2023-12-20:  Release 8.2.0 

  • Force Registration on pages.
    • Great for Open House Registration, Farming for Leads, any time you need to collect information before providing access to a site.
    • See Tutorial Here  
  • QR SMS Capture: Quicker way to generate leads by capturing the mobile number of someone scanning the QR code

2023-12-12:  Release 8.1.0   

  • Introduce a way to easily add Kaydoh pages within a Kaydoh website - Tutorial Here
  • Improved UI to find/manage/add Users to a Template Folder

2023-11-28:  Release 8.09

  • Allow Multiple Choice Question options for E-Forms
  • Improve how we store images - caching enabled - faster loading
  • Introduce bad Bots / IP / Geo restrictions for malicious traffic
  • Expand website custom disclosure character limitations
  • Bug Fixes 
    • Incompatible URLs for HTTP and HTTPs
    • 500 errors on using expired links. 
    • Label fixes for added clarity to "adding content tiles"
    • Introduced GIF in previews of links, works well on LinkedIn

2023-11-13: Release 8.0.8, 8.0.8-HotFix-01, 8.0.8-HotFix-02

  • Introduced new caching system - significantly improve loading of Landing Pages and displaying immediate changes
  • New Content Tile Button Labels
    • Donate
    • Support
    • Photos
    • Give
    • RSVP
    • Direction
  • Behavior of nested Kaydoh content tiles no longer open into new tabs, they stay inside same window experience.
  • Theme color of websites are easily introduced at Account and Website level
  • Our shareable links now uses GIF if found to provide a preview on various social media platforms.

2023-10-12:  Release 8.0.6, 8.0.7 , 8.0.6-hotfix-01, 8.0.7-HotFix-01

  • Offer multiple subscriptions per Customer
  • Allow customers to bring over their own Domains to connect to Kaydoh
  • Auto-provision SSL
  • Bug Fixes: ringless voicemail doesn't playback, canva presentation integration, fb share url updated, property address rendering
  • Mobile App refreshed - apply past updates from dashboard
  • Add cononical tags to each Kaydoh page.

2023-08-29:  Release 8.0.4,, 8.0.5,

Improved speed of our Landing Pages

Improve how we cache our websites

Bug Fix:  location of how our images are stored - some areas are not using our new improved implementation

2023-07-26:  Release 8.0.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.0.3

  • New infrastructure monitoring service - allow quicker insights
  • Code improvement for higher organization
  • Collage Image generation performance improvement made
  • New infrastructure load balancing introduced
  • Introduced new API (for partners) to create instant Kaydoh websites 
  • Bug Fix:  compatibilitywith webp files.
  • New image processing engine introduced - providing higher stability, and faster rendering
  • New font introduced:  intra family   (for dasboard)
  • Auto SSL provisioning for customer domains

2023-05-23:  Release 7.0.3, 7.0.4

  • New analytical tracking system
  • Kaydoh Connect community introduction on Facebook ( join HERE )
  • improved subscription / payment system for high stability
  • Bug Fix:  google video integration now can be played
  • Bug Fix:   ability to update User logo/profile information
  • moved Kaydoh's help library to be integrated inside dashboard

2023-05-15:  Release 7.0.2

Major release, lots of new integrations, and easier ways to go to market with Kaydoh's existing standard and custom templates.  Customers now have the ability to save their own templates to easily reuse.

Register Upcoming Webinar:  Watch Here

  • Template Library ( tutorial )
    • Copying a template 
    • Creating / Editing / Deleting a template folder. 
    • Adding / Deleting websites in template folders. 
  • Content Password Protection ( tutorial video )
  • Download leads by website level ( tutorial video )
  • Download video thumbnail for CRM integration ( tutorial video)

New Integrations:  ( just paste their link into Kaydoh )
See integrations live here:  ( examples

  • ISSUU - Online Magazine
  • Joomag - Online Magazine
  • Google Drive Video
  • Dropbox Video
  • Aryeo Videos  
  • YouTube Shorts
  • InDesign Presentations

2022-12-09 - Release 6.9.2

Creating rich content with 2 in 1 capabilities.  Capture leads using instant e-forms.  How to get a Referral workshop.

Webinar:  Watch Here

2022-07-27 - Release 6.0

Video emails and new layouts

Webinar:  Watch Here

2022-02-17- Release 5.9

More control over your content with security features.

Webinar:  Watch Here

Internal Tags

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